Title: Lost and Found Author: Syrenslure Fandom: Rowell, Tess/Isabel Rating: PG Summary: Isabel discovers more than the granolith in the cave, on her birthday. Nothing will be the same again. Notes: For the "Fragments of Sappho 2008" challenge-a-thon at dogged_by_muses : Sapphic Fragment #17 : by the wanton one persuaded (22nd September 2008) mission_insane Slash/Femslash : 03
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This is an Alternate Reality Series called Parallel Lives, based on the prompts from the Drabble Thread at Polar Attraction, to help fulfill my mission_insane claim. These stories are all inter-related, not chronologically, but because they all take place in the alternate reality, which will be revealed as the stories go on. In some stories, the difference won't
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I am taking the option to use up to ten of my previous works to complete my mission_insane tables. Since I am also doing the "Size Matters" table, I guess it's a fair trade-off. I still have to write 200+ stories. This is also a nice little round up of some of my Roswell stuff, if you've never read it.